20 interesting facts about ants you may not know

  1. Instead of chewing and swallowing food, mature ants will tend to swallow the juice which is squeezed from pieces of food. After they have sucked all the juice out of the food they will dispose of dry food that is left.
  2. An ant has two eyes, with each eye being made of many smaller eyes, which are called compound eyes.
  3. An ant’s abdomen has two stomachs, with one stomach holding the food for itself and the second stomach storing food for other ants to eat
  4. The exterior of ant’s body is made up of hard armour called an exoskeleton.
  5. An ant will grow up in four stages, which are called the egg, the larva, the pupa and the adult.
  6. There are over 10000 species of ant worldwide
  7. Wood ants and black ants do not have a sting, but instead will use a squirt of formic acid which they will use to spray on enemies to their nest.
  8. During night times, the worker ants will more the eggs and the larvae further into the nest to protect them from the cold of the night.
  9. An ant colony will contain at least one queen and maybe more in some circumstances.
  10. A queen ant will lay eggs for the colony for which the worker ants will look after
  11. Worker ants will not produce eggs, as they are sterile. They will instead look after the young ants, forage for food and defend the nest.
  12. It is said that ants are very clean and tidy insects even going to the extreme of taking their rubbish outside the nest and creating a special rubbish dump for their disposed rubbish.
  13. A colony of ants will make itself unique compared to other colonies, so much so that they will create their own unique smell so they can sense when an intruder is in their midst.
  14. Some species of ant, such as the red species of ant will have a sting in which they will look to defend their nest with.
  15. The ant has a pair or large and strong jaws that open and shut sideways.
  16. Ants are expected to live between 45-60 days
  17. They use their antennae to smell as well as to touch
  18. Popular ant extermination methods include laying ant baits, and using poisons
  19. Ants have six legs in total and each leg has three joints that enable the leg to be able to move.
  20. Ants are said to be able to lift objects which are up to twenty times their own body weight