5 Great Tips for Budget Travel in Japan

It is a widespread misconception that travelling in Japan is expensive. However, with some planning and know-how, it's possible to enjoy a budget trip in the land of the rising sun, while enjoying its high quality of goods and services. Here are 5 ways:

  1.  Buy a Japan Rail Pass

Restricted to foreign visitors only, this is a very cost effective rail pass for long-distance train travel in Japan. It covers either 7, 14 or 21 consecutive days and offers unlimited travel on most trains operated by Japan Railways, including shinkansen or bullet trains, at prices that residents can only dream of!

However, please purchase this before your arrival in Japan as it is not for sale within the country. The Ordinary 7-day pass costs 28,300 yen and one can even save money depending on the yen value at the time of your purchase.

  1.   Budget Accomodation

Japan has a variety of budget accomodation and it is recommended to book in advance. Hostels and dormitories can cost as low as 1500 yen are usually characterised by a lively social atmosphere.

One can also opt for Japanese-style accomodation by staying in a ryokan (Japanese style inn) or minshuku (B & B).  These cost between 5,000 and 10,000 yen a night and are my personal favourite. Some -although only a few- even provide meals and snacks.

For a unique budget experience, book a night or two in a capsule hotel – enclosed bunk beds that are "stacked" two high. Most contain its own television, electronic console and wireless internet connection and cost around 2,500-4,000 yen per person.

They are catered for guests who typically want to sleep and nothing else. Some capsule hotels cater to male guests only.

                            Source: Chris73

  1.  Free Sightseeing

Believe it or not, quite a few sightseeing spots in Japan don't cost you a cent.

Tokyo: Tsukiji Fish Market, Imperial Palace and East Gardens, Sensoji Temple

Kyoto: Philosopher's Path, Fushimi Inari Shrine

Nara: Nara Park (where deer roam free), Heijo Palace

Yokohama: Kirin Beer Village, Chinatown

Nagoya: Toyota Factory Tour

Hiroshima: Hiroshima Peace Park + museum that costs only 50 yen to visit, Mazda Museum

…just to name a few.

And if this isn't good enough, there are even budget onsens. Visit onsenexpress.com for budget onsen options that even provide meals and lodging.

  1.  Food on a Budget

 Yes, we've all heard horror stories on how expensive food in Japan is, especially beer. Well, the tax on the latter is one of the highest in the world, so no wonder. Instead of drinking beer at a restaurant, opt for one of the local brands from 7-11 instead, which would only cost around 100 yen or slightly more.

Some of the best and least expensive food in Japan can be found at noodle shops. These usually have a vending machine outside and plastic representations of their meals in the window display, so you don't get confused while purchasing your food. You can get a decent bowl meal for around 200-500 yen and iced water is on the house.

Fast food chains such as Yoshinoya or Coco Curry House are another option. A step-up from these would be family restaurants such as Dennys – you can get decent breakfast starting at 380 yen from there, which is quite a steal.

For cheap sushi,  don't rule out supermarkets. The sushi there is not only a lot more affordable than going to a restaurant, it's also delicious.

P.S. I've even had a decent lunch on-the-go of onigiri (rice balls) and fried chicken purchased from a convenience store outside the railway station in Kyoto. Can't go any cheaper or better than that!

  1.  Fashion / Shopping Discounts

Love Japanese vintage fashion and Harajuku street wear but are running on a tight budget? Check out a cheaper alternative at the Yoyogi Flea Market in Tokyo, located between Shibuya and Harajuku.

Probably the hippest of flea markets in Japan, they are only open to sellers of recycled goods; this market promotes environmentally-friendly practice of  reselling used goods and is not profit driven. Now, to get a leather jacket under USD$50 – I'd say that's a pretty good deal, no?

Alternatively, Japan visitors can enjoy a 5% tax waiver when spending more than 10,001 yen at licensed department stores.

If you're a fan of certain Japanese brand cosmetics or beauty products, be sure to grab some as well- it's most likely to be much cheaper than in your home country.