A Basic Traveller's Kit

Being prepared can make your travelling experience quite pleasant and memorable. A lack of preparation or missing out on a few details or items for your travel or trip could see you end up with a number of difficulties and inconveniences. This will definitely suck out the joy that is usually associated with travelling; the fun and having quality time with friends, family or a special someone in your life.

First aid kit

Hope for the best and prepare for the worst, having a first aid kit ready is very important as even small scratches needs to be addressed. Include all the essential of first aid in your kit

 Injury Treatment

To cater small injuries and wound, add bandages, scissors and safety pins into your luggage. U may also need tweezers to extract any thorn etc from your skin. For small cuts, pack in your stuff some gels, creams or ointment. For those who have allergies should keep with them some anti allergy medicines such Benadryl.

 Common medicine

 Some common medicines for treating headache, stomach disorder or other painkillers should also be kept. Flue, fever and bad throat are also few common conditions suffered by travelers. Consult your doctors for such situations such as dehydration or fever etc. and add the medicines to your first aid kit accordingly.

Prescribed drugs

 If you are on certain medication, take along enough quantity of the prescribed medicines so that you do not run out of them during your stay.

 Personal Hygiene Kit

 Personal hygiene Kit should contain toiletries that you may need during your visit


Also, carry with you your toothpaste, toothbrush, and dental floss


Don’t forget your shampoo, conditioner, hair brush, sprays, creams and whatever you use for casual styling


Makeup is essential for women, take along the stuff that you will require and also carry a small mirror.

Skin care

Skin protection is important specially if you are going on hiking, keep with you sun block creams and lip balms

Bathroom accessories 

Bathroom accessories such as soap, toilet papers, washcloth and towels will be needed all through the journey

Emergency Kit

Small things such as lighters, small knife, flashlights extra batteries etc are also very important to keep along during your travelling. Don’t forget the chargers of your mobile phones

Leisure Kit

Bring along some reading material that fascinates you also don’t forget to keep your binoculars and camera so that you can enjoy the scene beauty of the area at the most

Your requirement for above kits may differ depending on the place you are visiting, the time you are visiting and where you will be staying. To enjoy the trip to maximum, make sure you do not forget any of the essentials.