Angels in America are Alive and Well: These Spiritual Beings Remain Popular through the Ages

Despite some religious institutions downplaying the role of angels in modern doctrine, these heavenly creatures seem to be more popular than ever before.

Sophy Burnham's A Book of Angels appeared in 1990 (Ballantine Books) finally giving vast public exposure to an idea or image hitherto not much talked about in public. It's as though angels finally received a public seal of approval, authenticity and twentieth century endorsement. Guardian angels came rushing back to adults' lives – angels that had been left in the toy chest of childhood.

Angels in Entertainment

Angelic figures became the stars of movies, such as City of Angels, Michael, Angels in the Outfield and Angel on My Shoulder. Michael Landon's popular television series, Highway to Heaven, brought an angel into people’s homes weekly, and many relished author Andrew Greeley’s popular Angel Fire.

From George Washington to Johnny Cash, angels are apparent to a diverse range of people. According to Burnham, Cash is said to have twice been visited by an angel, both times warning him of impending death. Perhaps the most outspoken, well-known celebrity who believes in angels is actress Shirley MacLaine.

Angelic History

Long before Hollywood endorsed angels, however, there were traces of angelic history in art and pictographs.

There are numerous accounts throughout history, Biblical and otherwise, of angels appearing as humans, without wings and flaming swords. These angels usually came as messengers, and that seems to be one of their main errands in modern times, also, but many people believe that angels are simply here to watch over them.

Angels are Accessible to All

Burnham writes, “It is said that angels come as thoughts, as visions, as dreams, as animals as the light on the water or in clouds and rainbows, and as people too” (p. 29). There are too many serious-minded people who are willing to give personal accounts of unexpected encounters with angels for nonbelievers to scoff and ridicule.

But why are angels so real and apparent to some people, but not to others? Far more women believe in angels and report having angelic encounters than men. Some say prayer brings angels; others insist grace alone is enough to bring them into your life.

One thing seems certain, however, they often appear when least expected. The authors of Ask Your Angels (Ballantine Books, 1992) go so far as to say that angels are everywhere and are there for everyone. Unlike Biblical times when angels really only appeared to prophets and such, angels now “…are visiting poets and artists, and increasingly, people in all walks of life…All over the planet people are getting the message: The angels are ready to come into everyone’s lives – all made possible by our hard-won evolution in consciousness” (p. 40).