Awakening to Zero Point: Gregg Braden and the Spirituality of Wholeness Beyond Good and Evil

In his book, Awakening to Zero Point: The Collective Initiation (Questa, New Mexico: Sacred Spaces/Ancient Wisdom, 1993), Gregg Braden recounts his trek 13,000 ft up the Andes Mountains in Peru. Pausing at a pass, he glanced at the glacial lake and green jungles before him. He was seized by waves of deep emotion. A complete feeling of connection and resonance with the creative forces filled his body. He asked God for the wisdom to know the relationship between good and evil. In the wind, he heard a voice: “Do you believe that I am the source of all that you know and all that is your experience?” Braden responded mentally, “Yes.” Then the voice said,” If you truly believe in me and you truly believe that I am the source of all that is, then how can you believe, at the same time, that anything you experience is other than me?” From these words, Gregg Braden came to an understanding of wholeness that lies beyond good and evil (253-60). Here is a brief summary of the spirituality of wholeness.

The Spirituality of Wholeness Lies Beyond Good and Evil

Polarity consciousness prevents man from accepting change. Man is conditioned to be suspicious of life events that do not fall within the box of his conditioning. Yet these life events, both good and evil, are catalysts moving him towards new experiences and dimensions within himself. They are the means by which he arrives at wholeness.

Man Is Part of a Universal Source that Is Beyond Good and Evil

Each experience is what it is until man labels it as good or evil. Yet good and evil are both expressions of the same universal source and field of energy. Good and evil are not in conflict with one another. Only man perceives that to be so. Moving within the dimensions of the physical world, he is caught within the polarity of magnetic forces which project the illusion of separation.

Man Is Limited by His Belief in the Distinction between Good and Evil

Universal source allows man to perceive, exist and express his awareness through a physical body. In truth, man is a highly evolved, powerful being limited only by his belief in the distinction between good and evil, right and wrong. Shedding these limiting assumptions, he can move beyond them towards the spirituality of wholeness.

Man’s Experience of Life Can Be Helped by Awareness that Good and Evil are Equal Learning Opportunities

To move beyond good and evil towards wholeness, man must embrace the opportunities that cross his path. Fear is only a fragment of the totality of his being. Man is an expression of the divine frequencies of love and therefore greater than any fragment standing alone. The frequencies of love know no boundaries and are out of sync with the limiting views of judgment expressed in polarity, duality, ego and fear. Man’s most valuable tool is knowing that he is not the pain, not the anger, not the fear he is experiencing in his learning. By recognizing his wholeness, he can move beyond separation.

Man Is Living the Holographic Model: He Is a Whole within a Whole

Because man is part of a hologram, what he does individually influences the collective whole. By moving towards the spirituality of wholeness, each man contributes to the collective transformation of consciousness. By learning from fear, integrating fear into his wholeness, each man contributes to the global integration of negative energies.

Gregg Braden’s solitary trek up the Andes Mountains in Peru has spawned a vision of man’s connection with the divine. The spirituality of wholeness is dependent on man’s ability to move beyond a polarizing consciousness.