Chakras: Understanding the energy centers of the body

The word “chakra” comes from the Sankrit word for “wheel.” The term refers to the energy centers of the body. There are six located within the body, and each one is associated with a colour, and one of the elements: earth, air, fire, water, and ether.

The chakras are located along the spinal column and are listed in ascending order, beginning with the base of the spine.


The first chakra is called Mooladhara, and pertains to a person’s root or base. It is associated with the earth element, and designated by the colour red. The importance of this chakra is in relation to the ability to remain grounded, and connected to the earth.



Located just above the sexual organs, the second chakra is the source of one’s emotions. Stimulation of this chakra can lead to tears, as it is tied to the water element. Sometimes referred to as the sexual chakra, it is represented by the colour orange.


The third chakra is located behind the navel, and is associated with the colour yellow and the element of fire. This is the home of confidence and self-worth. People who carry extra weight around the middle of their bodies are seen to be protecting this chakra, and often engaged in a questioning of their own self-worth.


The heart chakra is represented by either pale pink or pale green, and is the source for love and compassion. It is connected to the air element. Spiritual evolution concerns the ability to live from the energy of each chakra, with progress made when we achieve them in ascending order. The first three chakras revolve around the individual self, or ego, while the transition to living from the energy of Anahata is seen as living with compassion for others.


The fifth chakra is associated with the colour blue, and is located in the throat. With that, it is related to the ability to communicate and speak one’s truth. Its element is ether, and is furthermore the source of creativity and expression. It is generally accepted in working with the chakras that a sore throat is a sign of one not saying what they truly feel.


Located in the center of the head, at the top of the spine, Ajna controls psychic abilities and our third eye. The colour Purple is affiliated with Ajna, but it is considered beyond the earthly realm, and therefore not associated with an element.


While not considered a chakra, Sahasrara is listed with the chakras as it is the ultimate attainment of a higher realm. It begins at the crown of the head and extends beyond. It too does not have an earthly element associated with it, but it is represented by the colour white. Purity, spiritual connectedness, and bliss are part of this higher attainment, and the end goal of a progression through the chakras.

An understanding of the physical and emotional significance of each chakra can assist in using each as a focal point for healing. Meditating on the colour associated with each chakra is part of the practice of connecting to each. Each energy center plays a specific role in a practice of spiritual evolution.