Connecting With Spirit Guides: Author Sonia Choquette’s Book, Ask Your Guides

The beautiful message offered by world-renowned author and spiritual teacher Sonia Choquette is very simple: you’re not alone. By tuning in to your spiritual support system—angels and spirit guides from the Other Side—you can learn to live a happier, more abundant, and fulfilling life.

Who are these guides? Believe it or not, you may have as many as 20-30 guides available to you, each serving a different purpose:

Guardian Angels—Your Personal Bodyguards

Everyone has a guardian angel—a divine spirit sent to watch over you and protect you from the moment you’re born. Before you go to sleep at night, allow yourself to become aware of the energy in the room. If you feel a light, peaceful presence, chances are it’s your guardian angel. Try asking his/her name, and don’t be surprised if the answer is “Charlie” or “Sue.” Your angel will pick a name that sticks. Once you’ve made this connection and can tune in to your angel’s presence, you’ll never feel alone.


Archangels are a powerful group of spirits who make frequent appearances in the Bible. More than likely, you’re familiar with a few of them: Michael, Gabriel, Raphael. Each serves a specific purpose (Michael provides strength and protection) and can be called on in times of need.

Spirit Guides

There is a ministry of spirit guides waiting on the Other Side to provide help and spiritual guidance. Some serve as teachers, helping you to find your life purpose, while others can be called upon to find parking spaces and empty seats on the bus! They’re waiting, but must be called upon in order to provide assistance. Like all of us, they enjoy hearing “please” and “thank you.” Be sure to acknowledge a job well done.


Runners are earthy spirits who do just that—they run ahead to help you find lost keys, a good table in a restaurant, or a fantastic pair of boots marked 50% off. They’re tied to the land where they lived in life, so if you’re living in the United States, your runners may be Native Americans, or Maori if you’re living in New Zealand. To enlist their help, ask politely, and they’ll gladly provide assistance. Before long, your friends will wonder how it is that you live such a charmed life.


Helpers are the spirits of people who have passed on to the Other Side andwho are looking to fulfill their own soul’s purposes by providing assistance to the living. You may have even known them in life. Your grandmother or a former teacher can provide assistance in tasks in which they excelled in life. Their communication is often telepathic and simple, and can be communicated through dream state.

Healer Guides

Healer guides come in two forms: 1) as spirits who were doctors or healers in life; or 2) as high-vibration guides who help to heal your body and spirit. Unlike other guides, they don’t need to be asked for help in order to provide assistance. In fact, they may find very creative ways to get your attention when you’re in need of their help. If you find yourself thinking (hearing) the words, “too much” when you’re eating foods that aren’t good for you, it may be more than just a guilty conscience talking.

Ask Your Guides (Sonia Choquette, 2006, Hay House, Inc. ISBN 978-1-4019-0787-7) gives additional examples of helpful guides belonging to the Ministry of Angels, and provides simple exercises designed to help you make contact. Other books by Choquette include Diary of a Psychic and Trust Your Vibes, published through Hay House.