Flying Your Pet on Pet Airways


5 Pet-Friendly Airlines For Flying With Your Dog

Pet owners often dread flying their pets through the cargo compartment of the plane. It could be because of horror stories they have heard in the past such as dogs forgotten on the tarmac or cats escaping from their carrier never to be found at a busy airport. While some airlines allow owners to travel with their pets in the cabin, it is unfortunate that this is a luxury only very small pets can take advantage of, when available. Indeed, the only pets allowed in the cabin are those that fit under the seat, carrier included.

Fortunately, Pet Airways, the first airline exclusively dedicated to pets, has come to the rescue taking off with a whole new concept when it comes to pet air travel. Pet Airways indeed, allows pets of all sizes to fly safely in the main cabin with an attendant available at all times. The only drawback is that their human owners are not allowed on such fights, but peace of mind sometimes comes at a price.

How Pet Airways Works

It all starts by dropping off your pet at the airport, exactly at the designated ‘Pet Lounge’. Currently, Pet Airways offers services to and from New York, Atlanta, Denver, Chicago, Omaha, Phoenix, Los Angeles, Washington/Baltimore and Fort Lauderdale. All pets in order to be accepted must have current proof of vaccination, a recent negative fecal test and health certificate.

Pets are checked in no later than two hours before take off. Carriers for traveling are really not needed if your pet is only flying with Pet Airways. Your pet will simply travel inside secured individual carriers inside the plane. Dogs and cats have separate areas inside the plane. When it comes to the type of carrier, Pet Airways currently uses Beech 1900 turbo-prop airplanes.

Once inside, pets are monitored by trained pet attendants. An interesting feature Pet Airways offers is the possibility for owners to track their pets as they fly. Fifteen minute updates are given by the attendants around the clock for concerned pet owners. Pets can then finally be picked up upon their arrival.

Benefits of Traveling with Pet Airways

The benefits of traveling with Pet Airways are many. Pets travel in a well lit, temperature controlled cabin with clean fresh air constantly circulating at all times. Pet attendants pay a close eye on all pets by walking down the aisles frequently and checking that every pet is doing fine. Owners can get updates thanks to Pet Airways tracking system.

Should the pet become ill during the flight you will be notified immediately and a decision is made should the pet continue the flight. If a life threatening condition should arise the plane is diverted to the closest airport for veterinary care.

When it comes to price, Pet Airways offers affordable and competitive prices especially when compared to regular passenger airlines who offer pets to fly crammed under the seat or in the cargo compartment.

Pets flying with Pet Airways also get rewarded if enrolled in the Pet Airways Rewards Account. This canine and feline version of a frequent flyer program allows pets to earn miles with each trip they take. Once a certain number of points is reached pets are eligible for a free flight.

Joining the MyPaws reward club also allows pet owners to benefit from many pet related discounts such as from pet friendly hotels, pet supply stores, 1-800 Pet Meds and pet insurance companies.

As seen there are many benefits when it comes to flying your pet with an exclusive airline that makes the comfort of your pet top priority. Too bad, an airline that allows both pets and owners to fly together is still needed, but in the meantime, knowing your pet is traveling in the main cabin and being pampered makes you feel less stressed to begin with.