How to Care for Your Pets Throughout the Summer Months

Summer is the ideal time for families to unite and spend time outdoors. Heading to the lake, hosting a backyard barbeque and embarking on recreational trips are but some examples of favorite summer past times. Such pleasures can also be readily shared with the family pet.

However, the summer months pose a number of difficulties to cats and dogs alike. The potential for heat stroke and fleas is prolific, as is the danger that your pet will get lost or injured during a vacation trip. To keep him or her protected, the following guidelines should be adhered. These will make for enjoyable summers spent with your pet and the family as a whole.

Tips for Protecting Pets from Summer Hazards

  • Refrain from running errands with your pet in the car. Although the air outside may feel comfortable to you, the temperature of a car can quickly rise to 120 degrees Fahrenheit when parked. Rolling the windows down does not provide adequate relief from the sun and heat. Essentially, pets should be left home when you head out for the day.
  • Apply flea control medication to prevent bites and infestations that quickly spread. Ideally, such medicine should be applied year-round, but it is especially important from spring to fall. A number of ointments and sprays are sold commercially, and home remedies also exist. Managing fleas, ticks and mosquitoes is important for maintaining your pet’s health and comfort.
  • Always use a leash for your pet while you are outside with him or her. This is critical to keeping pets by your side as well as preventing them from eating and drinking harmful substances. Particularly dangerous is antifreeze, which tastes sweet to animals but is toxic to their health. Cats can benefit from a leash as much as dogs, especially during vacation trips.
  • Provide cool, fresh water while your pet is indoors and out Having ample water in the car during trips is also important. You need to keep your pet hydrated to deter from heat-related illnesses and strokes.
  • Cover your pets with sunscreen during a day in the summer sun. Application should focus on areas of the nose, lips and ears. Sunscreen protects against painful damage to your pet as well as safeguards him or her from skin cancer. Also keep your pet groomed in a manner that is consistent with his or her hair. Cats and dogs with thick fur that easily tangles are likely to suffer during the summer months.
  • Exercise caution when the humidity is excessive. Hot days can wreak havoc on pets, particularly late in the afternoon when the sun is at its peak. Try to keep pets indoors as much as possible during broiling temperatures. If they must be outside, watch them closely and bring them in when possible.
  • Listen to your pets. Dogs are especially adept at telling owners what they need. If your pet is panting hard, appears lethargic or exhibits other unlikely behavior, act immediately. Such signs may indicate heatstroke, and this condition can be life-threatening even if emergency treatment is provided.

Summer months are a great time for the whole family to make fond memories, and this includes your pets. Safeguarding cats and dogs from seasonal hazards requires knowledge, though. If you follow the tips provided here, you will enjoy sun and leisure without sacrificing safety. This way everyone in your family, including beloved pets, can revel in a long and happy summer.