How to Keep Your Pet Rodent Warm During the Winter: A Guide

Are you worried that when winter rolls around you will not be prepared to provide a warm and comfy environment for your pet hamster, gerbil or rat? It is imperative that you have a plan for when it gets colder in your house, as domestic rodents are highly susceptible to drastic temperature changes and do not bode well with them. Rodents do have a chance of dying from extreme cold, and you need to have at least a few plans set up for when you are going to need them.

Warm Cage "Furniture"

This is one of the easiest tips to follow, and, at the same time, it is also the most crucial. You need to provide your pet rat, hamster or gerbil with warm places to snuggle and sleep in during the colder months. Some great options for this "furniture" include hammocks, tissue box houses with blankets inside, and giving them paper towels to nest in. It is ideal that you have at least a few warm and comfortable hidey places set up for when it gets colder, instead of just one, just in case.

Heat Up Your House

I know it may cost money, but just because you're alright with being extremely cold in your house most certainly does not mean your rat, hamster or gerbil will be. They are very sensitive to the cold and it would really be kinder to have the heater on if you feel that they would fare much better with it. Also, please do try to remember not to think that your rat, hamster or gerbil will withstand extreme cold for "just" one day, as one day may end up being one day too much.

I sincerely hope that this article has aided you in making your pet rat, hamster or gerbil more comfortable during the colder months of the year. Remember that they are very sensitive to the cold and need all the help that they are able to get, and it is your responsibility as the owner to provide this help. Be prepared for the winter like a responsible and committed person.