Pet Names – Tips on Naming Your Pet: Puppy Names

When getting a new puppy, one of the first things individuals often do is give it a name. This is often exciting for the whole family and often everyone wants to be apart of this important decision. It’s not always an easy decision, as everyone may have their own list of pet names to choose from, however; there are a few tips individuals can follow in order to name their new puppy.

Best Pet Names – How to Give Your Puppy a Good Name

There are many various websites online that give a long list of pet names to choose from. So, it’s best for individuals to take their time in looking at all the various names online, in order to slowly narrow it down to just a few choices. Parents can simply narrow it down to a few choices that they believe will work well, then allow the children to choose from those few names, in order to allow them to have their own “say so.”

Good Puppy Names – Choosing a Name Without Too Many Syllables

First off, it’s best to choose a name with strong consonants, yet not very many syllables. Some examples include; Ziggy, Lily and Ginger. These type of names are short and easy to pronounce, allowing the puppy to quickly learn their name.

Pet Dog Names – Stay Clear of Using Names That Rhyme with Commands

Keep in mind that when individuals are training a new puppy, they will not only be teaching the puppy their new name, but also teaching them various commands. These commands may consist of; no, sit, down, stay, come or fetch. With this being said, it’s best to avoid giving the puppy a name that sounds too much like a common command. For example; Moe sounds too much like “no.” This would be too confusing for the puppy and it’s best to avoid this type of situation.

Puppy Names – Tips on Choosing a Name for Your Puppy

When choosing from a list of puppy names, it’s best for pet owners’ to try and say the name out loud, in order to see whether it feels right or not. It can also be helpful to take the few pet names on your narrowed down list and call each name out loud directly to the puppy in order to see how the pet reacts to each name. Once individuals take time to say each name out loud, this may make the decision much easier, as one in particular may feel right.

Overall, one of the most exciting things about getting a new puppy is giving it a name. By searching through a list of pet names online and following these talked about tips on naming your puppy, it should be easy to find a cute name that the whole family will agree on.