Shamanism Promotes Awakening to who You Are: Kah-Ta-See Is Living in Balance from the Heart

What To Do When Your Heart Chakra Is Blocked

What To Do When Your Heart Chakra Is Blocked

Originating long ago in the rain forests of Peru, Ka-Ta-See was brought to North America by the Hetakas, a Peruvian tribal couple dedicated to spreading the beliefs of this wondrous system, hoping to slowly, person by person, turn the tide of Western angst.

What is Ka-Ta-See?

Ka-Ta-See, simply stated, is an awakening to who you are. It is living in balance from the heart. The first thing one is invited to do in Ka-Ta-See is to meet oneself, to experience one’s song. Each person’s song is a distinctive vibratory signature in the universe. It is a feeling of aliveness that is unique, ancient, and vast.

Ka-Ta-See invites the taking off of masks that people have adopted in their march through life. Modern cultures are buried in masks, or patterns of thinking and feeling that aren’t true. Cultures have become fear based, and people hide behind these masks out of fear, according to Ken Robinson, Ka-Ta-See practitioner and teacher.

Common Masks

One common mask is the “Time Mask”. People fret about being on time, not having enough time, living their lives in appointment books, multi-tasking to optimize time, measuring out their days in slots and segments, or as J. Alfred Prufrock intoned, measuring out their lives in coffee spoons.

Another common mask is the “Money Mask,” where people worry ceaselessly about never having enough. People measure their self-worth, and the worth of others, on money – how much they have or don’t have. They encourage their children to pursue careers that are financially rewarding, but not necessarily emotionally satisfying or empowering.

One’s fear and obsession with weight control and appearance is a mask. “Anything,” Ken emphasizes, “that is fear based is a mask. To find and live in one’s song one must recognize one’s masks, honor the purpose they once served, and begin to set them aside.” There are many masks, including the “Super Mom Mask”, the “Self-Pity Mask”, and the “Pleaser Mask.”

“Having masks does not make us bad or not worthy of love. Living in masks has been the way of life for centuries in much of the world. In Ka-Ta-See, one explores how to release judgment about masks and to have compassion for one’s self and others,” Ken reflected.

Ka-Ta-See Promotes Health

“Thriving on song-filled experiences and well being is what Ka-Ta-See is all about. When we are living in balance from the heart, we enjoy our own healing gift which comes from our song. We become far more intuitive, accessing our own abilities to heal and to direct life energy. Our being in harmony with the natural world feeds our spirit,” Ken adds.

“Wondrous health can be achieved when one is “living in balance from the heart.” Ka-Ta-See offers the knowledge and tools to let go of old patterns of thinking and feeling,” Ken stated. “It allows one to find one’s stillness, inner peace, and clarity.” When people are in their natural state, they resonate out a natural vibration of well being, peace, and harmony. One’s natural state is amazingly alive and healthy.

Ka-Ta-See’s Invitation

Ka-Ta-See is an invitation – an invitation to wake up to the vibrancy, vastness and creation that one has within oneself. “One’s song is one’s gift to oneself. In one’s song, one lives in the passion for life and radiates aliveness, compassion, beauty, and wonder. Song does not breed fear, control, and suffering. Song chooses to thrive on experiences which are life-giving,” Ken concludes.

Ka-Ta-See is an invitation to create a rich world, a world filled with song, choice and love, not coercion, “power-over”, fear, and masking. It is an invitation to share the divinity of one’s song. Song to song, never ceasing.