Spring Cleaning Tips for Pet Owners

Cleaning can be hard work and it's a lot harder when you have pets. Having a clean house is important for you and your pets health and happiness. In this short guide I will be listing some things that pet owners might want to think about when cleaning up this spring or anytime.

Clean Your Fans and Air Intakes

All that pet hair in the air usually means you have a thick layer of your pet's hair on the top of the ceiling fan blades and any box or oscillating fan's blades. Ive found that the best method to remove the hair and any other dirt on the fan blades is a wet rag. If you use a duster for the blades you will be putting the dust, hair, and pet dander back into the air. Check your other air intakes around the house for hair and now isn't a bad time to check that furnace filter too.

Clean Your Electronics

If I had a nickle for every time Ive had to clean the cat hair out of my PC Id be well off to say the least. In all seriousness though I cannot stress this enough, pet hair will ruin any electronic device if it is allowed to build up. Take the covers off your PC and use canned air to blow the pet hair out the fan, power supply, and all of the tiny crevices. It is also a good idea to use the canned air to get the dust and hair out of other devices like televisions, stereos, and gaming consoles.

Behind and Under Appliances

Pet hair likes not spot better to hide than the back of refrigerators and other household appliances. I recommend moving all the appliances that you possibly can, sweep behind them and clean the back with a rag and household cleaner. You may want to unplug the refrigerator when cleaning the coils on back, they can be very hot. Pet hair also likes to stick to grease on and around the stove, so make sure you clean off all grease that you find.

The Ceiling

One of my biggest personal problems as a cat and dog owner is pet hair that sticks to the ceiling itself. I have found the an ordinary straw broom works best but I have also used a lint roller on some of the more textured ceilings. For a way to clean the ceiling with less of a mess and without putting some much hair in the air first see how much hair you can get off with a vacuum cleaner.

Cages and Litter Boxes

Now would be a great time to take your pets cages, carrying crates, and litter boxes outside, hose them off and disinfect them. This is a great way to combat odor and keep your pets healthy. For the most effective way to disinfect these things use bleach mixed with water, Just make sure you don't leave any bleach in the cage or crate that will cause your pet a skin irritation.

These are some of the things that I have learned when cleaning a house with pets, and I hope that they help you keep your house clean and allergen free. Remember your cleanliness will keep the air fresh for you and your furry friends.