What Does 11:11 Mean? Synchronicity, Time Prompt and Symbolic Duality

During the past 50 years, many people have seen 11:11 or its variants 2222, 3333, 4444.

According to one writer, George Barnard, more than 75,000,000 million people all over the world are experiencing the 11:11 p.m. or 11:11 a.m. “wake-up” call and “reminder” prompts. Current literature on the subject suggests that their appearance can be attributed to synchronicity, but these manifestations are also events that are more than coincidence. They are time prompts and symbols of duality, pointing the way to a reality beyond man’s three-dimensional frame of reference.

Examples of Synchronicity

Examples abound of the prevalence of 11:11 within the infrastructure of recent events. September 11 is the 254th day of the year and according to numerological calculation 2+4+5=11. The date of the attack 9/11 also means 9+1+1=11. After September 11, there were 111 days left to the end of the year. The first plane to hit the Towers was Flight 11 by American Airlines. The first tower collapsed within 11 seconds. Flight # 11 had 11 crew members — 2 pilots and 9 attendants. The State of New York is the 11th state added to the union. The number of floors at the World Trade Center was 110 twice (110:110) or 11:11.

According to Uri Geller, September 11 was a “massive wake-up call” not only of the technology in place capable of destroying the world, but also of the “power of prayer, love and determination to…help the world.”

Time Prompts

Uri Geller, who has been experiencing 11:11 for over 15 years, claims that people who witness this phenomenon have a mission to accomplish. There is a message in these time prompts, pre-coded triggers placed in man’s cellular memory that are activated at appropriate times during his life to remind him of the greater reality of which he is a part. 11:11 opens up the channel between man and the frequency of the invisible, an impasse that forces man to question his understanding of who he is and his understanding of the world around him.

The number eleven also points to an understanding of the mathematical infrastructure of the universe. Multiplying 1111 by 1111 renders 1234321, a number whose linear progression represents a pyramid; the Egyptians saw the number 11 as a sacred number of the pyramid with the proportions of the great pyramid being of the ratio 7:11.

Eleven is also a number harmonious with Pi, the Greek letter π. The numerous appearances of 11:11 sightings seem to be about thinking out of the box and letting the mind stretch beyond its comfort zone. 11:11 is a time prompt acting as a catalyst for contact with a sacred order that is both challenging and invisible.

Symbolic Duality of the Number 11


According to A. Venefica, the number 11 is a “master number” in numerology because of its doubling of the same digit. This doubling intensifies the power of the vibrational frequency of the prime number. The attributes of the number one, the number of new beginnings, are therefore doubled.

Moreover, the number 11 also carries the frequency of balance, specifically between the male and female. Eleven are messages of balance, a “metaphorical gateway” towards the “integration of the duality or opposition inherent in human nature.”

If man’s ultimate purpose on earth is to discover the invisible realm of which he is a part, seeing 11:11 and its variants serves as a reminder that he is not flesh alone, and that his purpose here on earth is to access the technologies of psychic integration.